Wecome to Erin Reed Photography! Please feel free to look through my photo galleries. I look forward to speaking with you to schedule a session.

My name is Erin Reed and I began Erin Reed Photography in 2011. I have always loved and been interested in photography. As a child, my father worked part time taking wedding photos and every time he got a new piece of equipment, he tested out on me and my siblings. I was thrilled every time Dad's silver case of filters and lenses came out. I looked at every single one, imagining the things they could do. He passed his old cameras to me as I got older, to practice, play and learn.

A few years ago, my husband bought me my first DSLR after years of being resistant to switching from film to digital. I was instantly hooked! Finally the things I was seeing in my head could be transferred to the camera. My love of photography was renewed and quickly turned to obsession. That obsession leads me to where I am today.

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